Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Jamie Foxx

Jamie Foxx used to have a diastema between his front teeth which he has had taken care since then. Diastema is generally referred to the gap between the two front teeth. Depending on the width of the gap there are different procedures that can be used to create a normal looking smile with out making the two front teeth looking too wide. Jamie Foxx probably has had number of veneers done only on his upper front teeth. I wish he has his lowers done also to create a balanced smile. A natural smile has the upper two front teeth longer (centrals), laterals ar to be shorter and caniness longer and pointed. This creates a smile curvature of the upper teeth that follows the wet-dry border of the lower teeth. Gallery of smiles.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The best Celebrity Grins

According the the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry the best celebrity smiles are:
Halle Berry is the female celebrity with the best smile.
Matthew Mc Conaughey was tops for the best male celebrity smile.
When asked which celebrity smile is requested most often by their patients, dentist said that a pretty woman gets the nod: Julia Roberts. 40% of the respondents think that America's teeh sweetheart Hilary Duff has the best smile of teen celebrities.
Tennis phenom Maria Sharapova aced the AACD member dentists with her stunning smile, while 59% of responding dentists listed Tiger Woods as the male athlete with the best smile.